If you're into doing lines of coke and sleeping in an empty bath tub with a dead naked dude, then you should party it up with KARK weatherman Brett Cummins (assuming he doesn't get sent to prison for the above mentioned offenses.) Cummins was a likable enough guy for a weatherman. I watched a different channel, but I never had beef with him as my tornado predictor. However, apparently the excitement of the last few "weather events", err weathergasms, may have caused the guy to snap a little inside. You've got to be off a little anyway to get that excited about high pressure systems and fluctuating temperature, but Cummins was likely a little more than off. The story below gives a good summary of what we know of the events that led to Dexter Williams death. Basically, Cummins and Williams were over at a friend's house for a good wholesome night of inhaling some powdered stimulant. One thing led to the next, they climbed in an empty bath tub together to polish off a few bottles and Cummins woke up to naked, dead guy. I could see how most people could bend and twist the truth to make this look bad for the semi-famous meteorologist, but clearly he is not at fault. He was so shaken by the happenings, or still drunk/stoned enough, that he blew chunks all over the living room as soon as he woke up from his bath tub nap. Okay... he's definitely getting axed and probably going to jail. This may be the definition of cut and dry.
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