Apparently a medium sized village in the Philippines found and caught a very large problem- a 21' crocodile! As a person who has been around alligators fairly frequently, I can say... "Sweet Moses!" Supposedly, the crocodile was seen eating a water buffalo recently. My guess is that water buffalo means Volkswagen in Filipino. Any villager complaining about difficulty in finding shelter should just cut the thing open and take up residence in his small intestine. It's gotta be a solid 200 square feet. Can you imagine how much the skin and meat on that thing is worth? That's enough to make the late Steve Irwin poach and sell his pelt. The article is linked below. Pay special attention to the last line of the article... "They have been told to avoid venturing into marshy areas alone at night." Because the buddy system clearly works against 21' dinosaurs with hefty appetites.
Update: They just cut his gut open and found 3 live bull sharks playing Marco Polo in there.