For unknown reasons, I've been pondering a lot on what would be the best and worst mythical creature to be killed by. Obviously, it doesn't matter because they are mythical and I'm fairly certain that makes it difficult to be killed by said creatures. However, theirs got to be some sort of hierarchy of fake animals and animal combinations and such.
I think the obvious choice for the lamest mythical creature to be killed by would be the Unicorn. It symbolizes everything weak in our culture and society. It would be the equivalent of having a 3 week old Persian kitten eat your spleen out. I will say that the horn that the Unicorn wields is clearly dangerous and people do get trampled by horses, so from a purely "functional weapon" type argument, it's not that bad. But it's a freaking Unicorn, so if you get killed by one you may as well take that one way ticket down the Rainbow Connection to Hell, because not even the big guy can forgive that travesty.
The most respectable mythical creature to be offed by is a little more difficult. There's some pretty stout competition. You've got the Yetti and Bigfoot that could obviously dominate some human flesh. You've also got things like Dragons, Cyclops, Hydras, Griffins, and Trolls. These are the things that nightmares are made of. Everybody knows the Boogie Man is just some giant (insert deadly mythical creature of choice) hiding in your closet. I think the most frightening for me and probably the most respectable to be killed by would have to be either a Hydra or a Griffin. Both are legit contenders. The Hydra is a large dragon type monster whose heads multiply every time you cut one off. That's some scary crap. Just when you think you've figured this guy out and he goes and regenerates another dragon head. Bad news bears. I think if you get taken out by the Hydra, they will probably have some sort of stone monument erected in your honor just for being bad enough to try. The Griffin is also a frightening prospect- a lion/eagle- that's all kinds of bad news. Not only does he have a muscular lion body, but he can also fly and tear you apart with his talons and beak. I'm out on any Griffin attacks. But let's be honest, I'm out on getting attacked by any mythical creature. I would probably crap my pants and hope it was solid enough to stay put while I got my crack kicked by some sort of dragon/horse/lion/mosquito/rhinoceros/falcon. Terrible way to go.