I hate to be the guy who pokes fun at the lady with some kind of horrible disease, but this has crazy written all over it. The Virgin Mary appearances are getting to be a little absurd. I mean, grilled cheese, tortillas, and soup are one thing... but brain scans. And maybe there is a little part of the brain that somehow resembles a woman in a robe, but does it really have power to save anyone. I know, I should be more sensitive and caring and I really do hope the lady gets better, but I can just about guarantee that the Virgin Mary brain scan will not be what does it. And that's just one level of crazy. Then she steps into the conspiracy theory realm claiming that she somehow got her disease from Agent Orange. I'm pretty sure this woman never went to Vietnam... oh but she did live in Jacksonville, Arkansas... close enough. Not only that, but she theorizes that the government is out to get her and even CNN has dropped her story because of pressure to cover up the Agent Orange conspiracy. My guess is CNN dropped your story because you are 352 kinds of crazy.
Check the whole thing out on her Ebay auction.
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