Just a warning to anybody with dogs, cats, or any other domesticated animals, if you dress that animal in clothing and I see it, I will square up and Sebastian Janikowski that thing through the imaginary uprights 50 yards out.
There is nothing more ridiculous and annoying than pets being dressed up as if they were actually humans. The thing about pets that people really like is that they are pets. They are animals. They are not people. If you don't want an animal, then reproduce and dress your baby like a crab or buy someone else crab looking baby.
I will say that there are some extenuating circumstances that might result in the necessity to dress your pet.
Actually, I wrote that and then tried to think of any legitimate reason and had an extreme stupor of thought. So there is no more a good reason for Fido or Catzilla to be dressed up than there is for Roseanne to be wearing a thong. Yeah, picture that and see how it feels to have to look at your stupid animal with elf ears and pointy hat on.
In conclusion, I will make very few if any exceptions to this rule and being that I don't care for pets in the first place (separate post coming soon) will have no qualms with stripping them of their garments and beating them with a yard stick covered in thumb tacks.