I'm just going to put it all on the line... if Andrew Bynum put a shell on his back and carried a stick, he would be Donatello. Arguments need not be made. They are like identical twins separated at birth. Not to mention, they share similar qualities. For example, Donatello is known to be the weakest and dorkiest of all the Ninja Turtles. Andrew Bynum is known to be the same among the Lakers. On top of that, both have natural abilities that would allow them to be the best ever, if they weren't so weak. Donatello was obviously the smartest turtle and could have designed a much cooler weapon than the bow staff. Andrew Bynum has a body build and frame that could place him in the upper echelon of NBA players and yet he continues to be a complete embarrassment. Plus they both wear purple. This is not a coincidence. This is some sort of cosmic alliance and greater plan.