Friday, April 22, 2011

I will be dead and in my grave when a water buffalo gets the same rights as me

If PETA knew me I would probably be public enemy #2, directly behind Michael Vick, who I love. I don't care about animals unless they are a good cut and medium rare. I am not a fan of people who treat animals like humans and act as if they have rights like humans. What really burns my britches is when animals are given rights and preference over humans. I'm quite sure that if we continue in our over the top treatment of animals we'll be living in our own episode of Planet of the Apes.

Steps down from soap box...

The Denver fire department is going to begin to carry animal oxygen masks on their trucks to help the pets of folks involved in fires. Now I'm not completely heartless. I understand that people involved in a traumatic situation like a house fire would be even more traumatized if Sparky came away in a front end loader full of ashes. I get it. I personally just assume they carry hot dog roasters, skewer Fluffy, and sell her to the local China buffet afterwards to raise money instead of standing in an intersection with a boot. It does look like the masks are donated, so I can't complain too much.

Check out the video and see what you think:

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